Feeling at home is an important aspect of a long stay in a temporary dwelling, which becomes the general ward of a round-the-clock hospital in a children's clinical hospital for women after an operative delivery (cesarean section) in Russia. However, the absence of this feeling in the conditions of a total institution contributes to an increase in anxiety and fears of mothers, leads to changes in the emotional sphere (which probably aggravates postpartum depression) and a desire to return home with their newborn child as soon as possible. The article analyzes the reasons and consequences of why a woman in a hospital (on the example of Novosibirsk) cannot feel at home despite the presence of certain factors that contribute to this. As a result of the study, a conclusion is drawn about the need to improve the comfort of women in Russian hospitals, organize psychological assistance and teach young mothers to take care of children.


  • housing sociology,
  • total institution,
  • feel at home,
  • mother woman,
  • operative delivery,
  • premature baby,
  • round-the-clock hospital,
  • postpartum depression.

Cite As (APA): Litvintsev D.B. (2021). Total Institutions in Russia: Why A Woman After an Operative Delivery Does Not Feel at Home (Hospital Case). Medicine. Sociology. Philosophy. Applied research, no. 3, p. 41-46. (In Russ.).

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